Why Keep Up With Your Hobbies When You Are A Digital Nomad

Whether you can call yourself a digital nomad, or you are a traveler who spends most of his time on the roads, one thing is clear.  You are forced to leave a lot of things back home, hobbies included. Who has the time or the necessary logistics to keep collecting rare stamps, read World War II novels or play poker or bingo every Saturday evening? Most people will argue that they are simply too busy being on the road and they do not have the physical time or the energy to embrace their regular passion or hobbies. So they are forced to abandon them every time they need to pack their bags and get ready for a new trip. However, if you are a travel blogger or a photographer who makes his living being on planes and trains all day long, it is imperative that you also find the time for something other than your regular job – even though traveling and taking pictures does sound like a dream-come-true to most people. In reality, it is more exhausting and demanding than you might imagine, and you will need every small break you can squeeze into your program to keep your sanity and feel motivated to keep going.

Why Keeping Up With Hobbies Is Critical?digital nomad

Whether you enjoy playing online casino roulette games every weekend or planning entire trips to Vegas in your spare time to indulge in long and fun hours of roulette, poker or blackjack, you probably feel like there is simply no time for any of it while traveling. However, if you are truly interested in becoming a happier traveler, you will need to start pursuing your hobbies. Being a full-time nomad traveler, you will need to figure out how to pack your hobbies along and enjoy them in-between breaks.

Embracing your hobbies will remind you of who you truly are.

As a travel vlogger or blogger, you might need to play different roles from time to time, in an attempt to create content that is more interesting and intriguing. This means you will put on a mask, dress up and do unexpected things for the sake of the photos you are about to take or the videos you plan on recording. You may also need to pose, show a huge smile on your face every day and make sure your modelling career is heading in the right direction. Often times, this will mean losing parts of your real self in the process. The more you do it, the core of your genuine personality and true spirit will tend to get lost, and finding it again will become more difficult by the day. By embracing your hobby, you will be reminded of who you truly are. Your love for doing one thing or another as part of your hobby will stick to you no matter where in the world you might travel and for how long.

  • Bring along your favorite books, painting tools, puzzles or deck of cards and play your favorite games of 21 or poker variants with your friends or travel companions. Or find new friends among the locals of a country you are visiting and keep your passion burning and growing.

  • Today, you can do a lot of the things you never dreamed about doing online, without being anywhere near your home. Just think about the endless book or music databases you can gain free access to, or the complex gaming platforms that allow you to play practice your sports or play your all-time favorite games in a virtual environment, 24 hours a day.

Hobbies Improve Your Mental Health

According to a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, people who engage in a hobby on a regular basis feel less stressed than people who do not have any hobbies. With lowered heart rates and decreased risk of depression or immune system problems, it is easy to see why physicians recommend us to get a hobby when dealing with anxiety, depression and chronic stress. Whatever you might enjoy doing most to relax, whether it is drawing or swimming, you will benefit from a series of physical and mental advantages that will make a huge difference in your overall well-being.

Hobbies Make You Smarter

The human brain is like a muscle. It can be trained and made stronger through specific exercise. It should also be challenged continuously, and a hobby is an excellent means of sharpening one’s intelligence and expanding its functions.

Even when you play your favorite video or casino games or listen to a podcast online, your mind will keep receiving the challenges it needs to keep growing. If you have already found the perfect accommodation in Essex, check out the local offerings in teßrms of fun and entertainment hobby-wise.